Edelmetalle & Diamanten & Gold & Goldmünzen kaufen Kassel. Tafelgeschäft Kassel

 Documented gold historyThe earliest documentation of gold use known today is the myth of the Golden Fleece, which the Greek Argonauts brought from the city of Colchis. This legend was held from the 8th century BC. Orally and from the 3rd century BC Chr. Handed down in writing. The Torah - written around 450-250 BC BC - mentions the golden calf, the New Testament names gold as a gift of homage to Jesus after his birth. From this point on - the year zero according to the Christian calendar - the processes surrounding gold are relatively well documented. Its processing reached a high boom in South America as early as the first Christian millennium, which was recorded in chronicles from around 1500 after the conquest of the South American continent by the Europeans.

On the site: www.Edelmetalle-shop.info - you can buy gold, gold bars, gold coins, diamonds, the Mepale Leafe coins, the Kügerrand and silver in different versions.

GoldKaufen Kassel


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